casino diningAfter many hours of swimming in the pool, sunbathing at the nearby beach and playing slots and video poker, anyone would grow a little tired and hungry, right? Horizon had you covered! The resort itself was located next to several third party restaurants that you could visit, including an Italian one and a Chinese one. But aside from them, there were a couple of places right there in the resort where you could gorge yourself without having to even leave the place! Talk about convenient!

The first place that the resort offered was the Four Seasons Restaurant (not to be confused with the Four Seasons Coffee Shop, which was its own thing entirely). The restaurant wasn’t a gigantic 5-star affair where you received a 10-course meal and paid a bajillion dollars for it while sipping on your ancient wine. No, Four Seasons served what you’d call comfort foods – noodles, chicken wings, mac & cheese, pie, that sort of thing. It’s food that you get after an exhausting day out, when you just want to sit down and eat like a normal person without worrying about etiquette and that sort of thing.

Another fantastic in-house restaurant was the Town Square Buffet, which definitely lived up to its name – it was a buffet of the highest order! In it, you could get a lot of your traditional favorites from the Asian, Italian and Mexican cuisines, including, but not limited to, roast turkey, pizza, fried chicken, various salads, as well as fruits and a good selection of desserts, such as ice cream, various traditional cakes and pies. I sincerely apologize if I made you lick your lips several times while reading this paragraph. Feel free to hold me personally responsible for any calorie intake I might have inadvertently caused.

Once you’re done eating, you could’ve topped off your evening at the weekly wine tasting event happening every Friday in the Cabaret Lounge, or grab a drink any day of the week at the Aspen bar. And the next morning you could start your day right with a cup of tea from the aforementioned Four Seasons Coffee House. Or, if you’re a coffee person, you could always head to the nearby Starbucks and treat yourself to a cappuccino and a fresh sandwich.